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'Field' ergonomics

The useField hook provides some convenient tools for changing single entity fields.

The hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • value: the live value of the field
  • setValue: a setter to update the field
  • inputProps: props you can spread directly to an input or textarea to wire it up
  • presence: data about other replicas interacting with the field

The hook automatically interprets boolean field values for use with checkbox inputs. You don't even need to pass type="checkbox", just spread inputProps.

It also tracks presence on fields, starting with blur. The local replica will have its presence marked as editing the field for up to a minute after any modification. This presence is accessible to other replicas via the same useField presence data, so you can show avatars or disable editing, or whatever.

// Note is a Verdant entity
function NoteEditor({ note }: { note: Note }) {
const contentField = hooks.useField(note, 'content');
const pinnedField = hooks.useField(note, 'pinned');

return (
// you can change field behavior when the field is 'in use'
// by someone else already
<input {...pinnedField.inputProps} />