📄️ Getting started with React
Verdant has React hooks generation. To enable it, pass --react to the CLI. A new module react.js will be emitted in the output directory. It exports one function, createHooks. Call it to construct hooks for your Verdant storage.
📄️ Query hooks
Query hooks for each collection in your schema are generated by the CLI with specific names. See sections below for a more detailed API.
📄️ Reactivity
Once you have loaded documents via queries, you will definitely want to write React components in such a way that they are properly re-rendered when data changes.
📄️ 'Field' ergonomics
The useField hook provides some convenient tools for changing single entity fields.
📄️ Usage examples
📄️ React Router
A small, experimental, client-only router for React that includes cutting-edge Suspense and Concurrent Mode support. Designed to help your PWA feel like a native app, and integrate well with Verdant.